Wallpapers for Compiz Fusion and Beryl
Wallpapers for Compiz Fusion and Beryl
Here are some wallpapers that are really very very well and I believe that they are going to make your desktop seem really different from the others'. All you have to do it to click the download links.
1. Fiord

2.Green Swirl

3.Few more Beryls

4.Ubuntu Green Soul

5.Compiz Fusion Wall


7.Butterfly Woman

8.Debian Buddha

9.Burning Wall

10.Amarok in Blue

Here are some wallpapers that are really very very well and I believe that they are going to make your desktop seem really different from the others'. All you have to do it to click the download links.
1. Fiord

2.Green Swirl

3.Few more Beryls

4.Ubuntu Green Soul

5.Compiz Fusion Wall


7.Butterfly Woman

8.Debian Buddha

9.Burning Wall

10.Amarok in Blue